Nowadays, there is a plethora of options for CBD products. From edibles and gummies, to tinctures and oils, to roll-ons and topicals, there’s a product out there for everyone. But beyond product type, there’s another series of questions: what type of CBD do I want in...
How To Properly Store CBD Store your CBD in a dark room, and don’t expose the product to direct sunlight. Store your CBD in a dry enviornment, away from moisture. Keep your CBD away from excessive heat or cold. Make sure to keep your CBD stored in a sealed...
CBD 101 How does CBD work? CBD works by interacting with your body’s Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS is one the body’s regulatory systems and has CB receptors on our body’s cell surfaces; CB1 receptors are essential for healthy brain function, and CB2 receptors...
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